This course was designed to help participants take their presentation skills to the next level. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, capturing and holding an audience's attention is paramount. This course was designed to equip participants with at least a bit more experience with the advanced strategies and techniques needed to create memorable and engaging presentations that resonate with any audience.

Key Areas Covered:

  • Attention-grabbing openers: Creating memorable openings to a presentation that grab the audience’s attention.
  • Memorable Closers: Closing presentations to ensure participants remember the key message.
  • Authentic Style: Developing one’s authentic and signature presentation style.
  • Handling Challenging Situations: Develop strategies for confidently handling unexpected challenges, interruptions, or difficult audience members.
  • Effective Persuasion: Master advanced persuasion techniques to inspire action and influence your audience's decisions.

By the end of this course, participants will possess the expertise to captivate, inform, and inspire their audience like never before. Participants will gain advanced engagement techniques to excel in any presentation setting.

Length of Course: 3 hours

Target Audience: All Employees

Delivery: In-Person, Hybrid, Remote